
Here is a growing list of things that may be helpful along your journey:

S/C Tracker - this is on the meandjorge website. i haven't tried it yet, but looks like a complex and automated way to track. for me, i'm just using my handy little journal i purchased... but i may transition over... eventually.

Vision Board - i have been meaning to create my own vision board for a while and just haven't gotten around to actually doing it. i have one from years ago inside a folder and then i have a scrapbook type board i was going to begin putting things up on. the thing is you need to sit and cut out pictures from magazines or look online and waste a lot of ink to print pictures and also... i like mine to be personal, but easy for me to access. i just found this yesterday! on oprah's site you can download a free application to create your own vision board on your computer. this is perfect for me!! i'm going to give this a try. hopefully i'll have a little time this week to play around with this.

Jorge Cruise on Youtube - i've been checking out his youtube videos and he has some good videos, but i especially like the recipes. even though a recipe can be written out it makes it much better when there's sequential photographs and even better when there's a video!

Jorge Book Updates - a few updates and typo fixes to the book