Tuesday, April 13, 2010

eat like a king

at school this morning i was talking with a friend and we were talking about losing weight and various diets and another friend walked up and we started talking about how she recently lost about ten pounds in a month in a half. she said she had seen someone who had lost a lot of weight and she asked what she did and she said all she did was switch her breakfast to dinners and dinners to breakfast and started walking. what she really meant was she ate her large meal of the day in the morning and the lightest meal of the day in the evening. so, this friend of mine started doing that and lost ten pounds. not bad, huh?

i've heard this many times before and even found it in this little poetic statement that i feel is worth mention:

"Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper."

Adelle Davis
(1904 - 1974)


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