Sunday, April 11, 2010

sportea is the only iced tea...

i drink. unless of course there's a sweet tea somewhere out there like chic-fil-a sweet tea or mcdonald's sweet tea or my ex's homemade sweet tea, but that's all another matter.

this tea is amazing. it's unsweetened, but has a hint of lemony citrus yumminess. i've included a mention on my favorite things, but i believe it deserves a complete blog because of my devotion to this tea.

the website says:

Is Energizing
Is Sustaining
Is Nutritious
Is All Natural
Builds Endurance
Leads to Peak Performances at Work and Play
Enhances Mental Alertness
Fights Stress
Provides Basic Vitamins, Minerals, and Electrolytes
Fights Colds
Builds Stamina
Is clean, refreshing, and truly quenches thirst
Is a Blue Ribbon Award winning gourment tea (Westword Magazine)
Has a CitrusSweet™ flavor that excites the taste buds
Has no negative attributes... No Calories, No artifical sweeteners and is a decaf equivalent - so no caffeine or sugar letdown
Is a unique beverage to drink throughout the day... Every day for best results!
SPORTea® tastes great and it works

and i have to say... i agree!

so, this is how we do it:

we begin with this iced tea maker which we love the best, sportea, water and ice

you fill the pitcher to the line with enough water for how many quarts you're going to brew. we always brew three quarts at a time in this house

then you add the water into the teamaker, but be sure to remove the brew basket first!

keep pouring...

but wait!! make sure you don't overflow this hole.

now fill the pitcher with ice, for the three quarts i'm making i'm fillin' it all the way to the top
(oh, and that little glass jar in the background.. i'll talk about that later)

add your teabags. for three quart brewing i'll add three quart size bags

move the little brew handle over the basket and we're ready to go

close the top and press the button until it turns red

and in about ten minutes or so you'll have a beautiful pitcher of fresh brewed iced tea.


now, if you don't have a teamaker what i used to do when i lived in my apartment was i got one of those little pitchers from wal-mart. the plastic ones with the screw tops and i would fill it with fresh water and drop in the proper amount of tea bags. i'd shake it up and leave it in the fridge. by the end of the day i'd have tea that steeped in my fridge and would just leave the teabags in the pitcher. now that we brew it so much here i don't do that anymore, but i believe that's the way my mother still makes her sportea. enjoy! and of course this is a 0/0 S/C value. there are no calories or sugar at all.


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