Sunday, April 11, 2010

what to eat?

i was at albertson's yesterday and picking up some things and stopped at the frozen meal section. usually i get the pricier smart one's or lean cuisine's and starting looking at the different options.

first of all, one of my main priorities is i need to have foods ready that are going to be quick and easy and readily available and that will fill me up. come monday morning my schedule gets crazy again and if i have to think too hard about food i'm likely to get frustrated and just swing by a mcdonald's on the way home.

however, i discovered these little gems:

now, i'm definitely not advocating this as "healthy" food. however, considering the alternatives which for me would be my mcdonald's addiction i'd say this is a really great option for several reasons.

1. they were on sale for 79 cents a piece. can you argue with that?

2. they are quick, easy and convenient when i'm running home and need a quick lunch
or need to grab something quickly to bring with me for dinner while i'm at school

3. most of the S/C values of these are 2/2 or 3/2 a couple maybe 4/2. 
i can't remember specifics for each one. however, all the ones i purchased
were well within a really good S/C range.


ghauck1 said...

That tuna sandwich that you took a pic of looks scrumptious. I bet it was delicious. I've never tried mustard in tuna, but I'll have to give it a try.

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